"Birthday",2007This colorful painting by Haley Hasler just makes me feel so sad! I would love to see it and the nearest gallery that shows her art is in Boston (the Alpha Gallery). Luckily for me,  her portfolio is online at  haleyhasler.com.

What to love about her art:

The colors are rich and harmonious.

This painting, among others, tells the story of everyday motherhood.

She has mastered her technique, and it is a joy to view her carefully crafted narratives.

Here is what she says about her work:

“The self-portrait confronts the viewer with an outward representation of the inner self. Here is the exterior as seen by the interior.

The self-portrait as a character introduces a further element. While the self-portrait implies that the artist is showing us the truth, a representation of the exterior in disguise conveys the impossibility and doubleness of this endeavor.

Through the seemingly private world of self-portraiture and autobiographical narrative, I hope to present a compelling fictive world, without dictating a precise narrative or relying on a static symbolism. I try to invest the figure with an iconic confrontability – making it operate both as self-portrait and archetypal heroine. “