Mark Lavatelli

The above painting is titled,”Lagoon” and it is encaustic and collage on panel. It is 44”x66”, and was created by Mzrk Lavatelli. He says this about his work… “In my paintings, colored shapes and stenciled words that identify landscape elements and weather...

System’s Failure, again

I forgot to mention the blurb from the postcard mentioning the theme of System’s Failure, “Systems Failure is a juried exhibition examining the current crises facing our country and the world, and the plight of the people who most suffer from these failures.” A...

Twelfth Night at The Shakespeare Theatre

The Shakespeare Theatre is offering a “Free For All”, free tickets (by lottery) for Shakespeare’s  play “Twelfth Night.”The play runs from 8/19 to 9/5 at the Sidney Harman Hall in Washington ,dc. There are many reasons to come to see this show, including an incredible...

Systems Failure

Come see my global warming painting “Winter”  in the show titled “Systems Failure” at the Target Gallery. The Target Gallery is located within the Torpedo Factory Art Center, at 105 N. Union Street, Alexandria Virginia 22314 and the show is open daily 10am to 6pm...

“The Establishment’s Meltdown”

In todays Alexandria Times, Davis Sachs writes about the Target Galleries show “System’s Failure”.   He writes this about my work ! See above piece, titled “Winter and Global Warming”(How exciting!) Please read more from this inspired writer by following this...