
Emblem 29

At my nieces’s wedding this last weekend, I set myself a goal: to push my introverted self to meet one new person. I achieved this goal by walking up to Michael Corris and his wife Beverly. Having no idea who they were, I proceeded to ask if they were artists.  Yes, there was one artist in the pair, Michael Corris.  He humbly described his work as  posters attached  to metal boards with a Conceptual flair.
I , wanting to help, happily offered to blog about his work to increase his Google ranking on his website.
After the party, I learned that Mr. Corris has his own Wikipedia page , that he has written books on art and art theory, and that his “posters” have been displayed in Museum shows.  I also found his website and had the pleasure of viewing his portfolio.
I guess everyone has moments where they wish they second guess prior conversations and wonder how many times they may have put their foot in their own mouth. As in, “how stupid did I look as I nervously complimented the outfit of  Beverly’s?” or “Why didn’t I ask more about his ideas for his work?”.(My husband is getting ready to write a screenplay about this topic)

Here is his words about his work:

The critical analysis of the conditions of production and dissemination of art has engaged my interest throughout my career. My work continues to examine, comment on, and intervene in the situation of art as it continues to migrate from the studio and the showroom to the world at large. This is the dynamic world of the expanded field gone mad; it is the setting within which my work as an artist and writer is largely embedded. Of particular interest to me is the variety of theoretical discourses, improvised social structures, and more permanent institutions that continue to be developed by artists and others in order to sustain and deepen this historic transition while trying to maintain a degree of control over their work.