About Me

I am a storyteller who creates paintings of women, fantastical creatures, and dramatic events. The arc of my current work has focused on the history of women’s rights, starting with Suffrage and ending with Roe v. Wade. 

My mother ran political campaigns for fun. I spent my childhood stuffing mailboxes, silk screening flyers, and creating pompom donkeys and elephants to give away at events. I loved every minute of it. 

These days, instead of stuffing mailboxes, I create wax animals and small woodblock prints and attach them to my birchwood panels. Look closely at my art and you can see how fun it all is.


Please note: Due to a family quick of using her formal name “Julia” on documents  and her knick-name “Julie ,” used with friends, you may see her listed om the internet as both Julia Dzikiewicz and Julie Dzikiewicz. Yes, it’s the same person! 

To see my current C/V, please go here

To see vidoes and films about me, please go here.

Encaustic-How to Paint With Fire and Wax

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