Kremer Pigments
If you love color, please view the pages titled “Colors of Nature” on the Kremer Pigments website. The photos are gorgeous, with plants, flowers and minerals artfully arranged around bursts of pure color. Although I rarely use pigments, sometimes I go to this site...
Robin Rosner
Robin Rosner paints landscapes in oil. The above painting is titled “Sunrise over Tuscany”. Robin’s work can be seen at two websites.Check out more of her work at RobinRosner or at lWPA.
Peabody Essex Museum
This piece , a figurine from the tomb of an unknown ruler, AD 550 - 650,is from the show “Fiery Pool:The Maya and the Mythic Sea”. Doesn’t this goat look like he is thinking? Here a some info from the website...”Surrounded by the sea in all directions, the ancient...
Robin Denevan
Here is my favorite painting from the show titled “WORKING WITH WAX: Contemporary Encaustic Painting in Northern California. And here is Robin’s Artist Statement, copied from the website. Robin Denevan’s latest work was inspired by his travels to China's Yunnan...
A is for Anacostia
This is my try at book illustration. It is for a future alphabet book, with historical Anacostia the subject. I don’t know yet whether I will be selected for this job, but I thought it might interest any students of art to see how I altered my illuminated letter for...
Graphic Conditions Possible, Use Caution
My first project for Cdia, using three different types of font. I know it is hard to read at this size, but when it is 8”x10”, it is easy. Painted in encaustic, with graphite and paper. This was inspired by my trip home from Washington Dc, on Saturday, with heavy snow...