“She Persisted” Virtual Art Show
"the right to vote" art show at Vulcan Muse Gallery
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about the art
The majority of my paintings after 2009 are painted with “encaustic”. Encaustic paint is made from beeswax and color. It looks like a big bar of colored soap and I melt it on a large metal surface. Then I pick up the color with my brush, apply it to a prepared board and repeat. The paint cools immediately, and thus becomes hard.
Next I use a heat gun or torch to “burn in” the color, or to smooth the surface. It’s hard to tell online, but in person my painted surfaces can mimic stained glass. Othertimes, I paint out thin sheets of it, and construct wax flowers. The beauty of this medium is it’s versatility.
About me
I am a storyteller who creates paintings about women, fantastical creatures and dramatic events. My current work looks at the history of women’s rights, starting with Suffrage and ending with Roe V. Wade.
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