She Persisted, virtual art show
In 2019, three of my paintings were accepted into the show Me Too in the Pollack Gallery, Monmouth University. The Director Center for the Arts at Monmouth, Vaune Peck, who enjoyed those three pieces, scheduled me for a solo show for March 2020. I excitedly titled my upcoming show She Persisted. However, COVID-19 caused She Persisted to be postponed until fall of 2022.
The videos below illustrate the paintings that would have hung in March 2020. Each Thursday for a couple of months in 2020 I added a new video to this collection. The works represent over ten years of work and focus on women, power and politics.
She Persisted turned out to me a very app title, as without persistence, and the help of my family to edit video and compose music, this virtual show would not have happened. Hope you enjoy the show!
Each painting has a video that tells it’s story though words and music. To see videos, click on images below.